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Madison - Barrier Busting Transportation Funds

Madison - Barrier Busting Transportation Funds Image
Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
17 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 04, at 05:00 PM EST
Project Owners

Madison - Barrier Busting Transportation Funds

We Need Your Help:

The Indiana Institute for Working Families (2017) identifies access to a vehicle as a non-academic barrier that hinders a student’s ability to complete.  The study mentions that to meet the state’s workforce and economic goals, we need to remove non-academic barriers standing between adult students and their post-secondary education.  Transportation is one of these identified non-academic barriers because it is unlikely for students to be able to attend and complete without access to a reliable vehicle.  There are approximately 99,804 Indiana adults without a vehicle that are non-high school graduates, high school graduates only, or some post-secondary without completion. 

Our Solution:

To address this need at the Madison campus, our retention team is seeking funds to provide funds for public transportation access for two types of students: current students who are unable to find reliable transportation threatening their ability to complete and potential students who need a temporary plan for transportation to enroll in classes at our Ivy Tech campus. 

Barrier Busting Transportation Funds:

Madison, Indiana does not have a public bussing system, and the Madison campus is not accessible by sidewalk or bike path.  Therefore, the most affordable means of transportation for someone without transportation would be the Catch-a-Ride system.  The standard Catch-A-Ride fare is $1.50 per fare for 0-5 miles with and additional $0.25 per mile beyond 5 miles.  This proposal estimates the average fare for a student to be $3 per fare (11 mi.), in which they need a fare to and from campus ($6).  This proposal is requesting round-trip fare for 80 transportation fares to campus.  While there is not a system for our program to allocate a specific number of students or a specific number of fares per student, it is assumed that any student without reliable transportation will need more than one fare.  For example, this amount could provide approximately 8 students without reliable transportation for 10 fares (average distance 11 mi.), but the funds will be disseminated on an as-needed, per mile, per fare basis.  

Choose a giving level


One Ride

You are one cool just bought a single ride for a student.


Three Rides are triple awesome. You just paid for three rides for a student!


Five Rides

Fancy that! You just paid for an entire weeks worth of student travel.


Ten Rides

10 of anything is so amazing...but ten rides for students will go a long way.


Fifteen Rides

You are our ultimate supporter, we appreciate you. This gift pays for fifteen single rides to class.

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