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Kokomo - Modernizing Information Technology

Kokomo - Modernizing Information Technology Image
Raised toward our $5,589 Goal
14 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 04, at 05:00 PM EST
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Kokomo - Modernizing Information Technology


It is vital in the information technology area to keep our students engaged with technology.  Currently, a computer and projector are our source of presenting to our students in the classroom.  For years, high schools have been using interactive touch-boards. 


The faculty in the School of Technology would like to provide instruction using a TouchIT 75Z10 touch screen.  You can think of this as a large tablet device that is used as a white board.  It will be mounted on a stand with wheels so it can be moved to different classrooms.  We will be able to choose from hundreds of apps and content that are already created for the classroom.    


Data tells us that students want to be engaged using technology.  We would like to provide a true modernized classroom for our students.  With your support, this can be achieved.


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Information Technology

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