Nearly 40 years ago, Dr. William Risk had an idea that made dental assistant students from the Lafayette Campus stand out among their peers. During the last half of their final semester of studies, students take part in a free dental clinic open to the under-served population in Greater Lafayette. They discuss preventative measures, perform routine restorative procedures and provide radiological diagnosis. Each year almost 500 patients are served and the students have experience working on actual patients. Dentists in Lafayette value this experience so much that they hold positions for an Ivy Tech graduate. This a win-win for our students and the community!
$6000 a year is needed to cover supplies and maintenance of equipment for this program. In the past few years, nearly $60,000 of dentistry has been provided to community members and our dental assistant students by supporting this outstanding program! Please make a donation today....
It may not taste great but it sure protects your teeth!
Of course every teeth cleaning and dental visit wouldn't be complete without flossing or brushing those pearly whites!