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Ivy Tech Evansville - Helping Hands

Ivy Tech Evansville - Helping Hands Image
Raised toward our $12,000 Goal
6 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on June 18, at 12:59 AM EDT
Project Owners



Jan 02, 2020



Oct 07, 2019



Oct 07, 2019

Tom Sommerfield

In Memory of Stephen Sommerfield


Oct 03, 2019



Jul 10, 2019

tracy robb

In Honor of planned parenthood

Undisclosed Amount

Jul 02, 2019
Choose a giving level



Your $5 gift could help a student buy a meal in between classes



Your $15 gift could help a student buy supplies for class



Your $30 gift could help a student buy a tank of gas to get to and from class



Your $50 gift could help a student pay their utility or other bill



Your $75 gift could help a student buy groceries



Your $100 gift could help a student get the background check and drug screening required for their field of study



Your $135 gift could help a student get 3 months of METS bus passes to get to and from class



Your $140 gift could help a student pay for 1 credit hour of classes



Your $150 gift could help a student pay their rent



Your $175 gift could help a student ensure childcare through our Early Childhood Learning Center on campus



Your $200 gift could help a student purchase a textbook

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