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Kokomo-Book Grants

Kokomo-Book Grants Image
Raised toward our $5,300 Goal
18 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 12:00 PM EST
Project Owners

Kokomo-Book Grants

Book Grants:

Over the course of a year, the average college student spends more than $1,200 on books and materials, according to the College Board. Of course, the problem with the high and rapidly rising cost of textbooks isn't new. 

How You Can Help: 

This fund is designed to help break those barriers.  Costs vary by course. The average cost for books and supplies is $39.23 per credit hour (based on an average of 13 credit hours per semester).


Choose a giving level



Every dollar makes an impact



Chipping away



Minimize the book barrier


Text books for one class

Buys the textbooks for one class


Text books for two classes

This buys textbooks for two classes


Text Books for one semester

This buys one student a semester worth of books

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